By Casey N. Tallent, Ph.D.

Eating Recovery Day is an opportunity to highlight the fact that RECOVERY IS POSSIBLE. It’s important for everyone to know that Recovery is possible. It’s also important for people to know that recovery is messy. I’ve heard my good friend and colleague, Jenni Schaefer, say a phrase that I said to clients for years, “perfectly imperfect.” Recovery is just that – – perfectly imperfect and each and every journey to recovery deserves recognition no matter how messy it may be. More importantly, each step of your journey deserves celebration! #DontMissIt – Don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate your recovery journey or to tell someone else how proud you are of their recovery journey.

Eating Recovery Day is also a day for health care providers to be reminded not to miss eating disorders, #DontMissIt! The average length of recovery for any given individual is 6 years, which means that those 6 years should start today! There are ample opportunities for health care providers to receive inexpensive and free continuing education (CEs and CMEs). #EatingRecoveryCenter provides several free webinars each month and many other CE and CME opportunities throughout the year to get intensive and basic training on eating disorders. The Nebraska Eating Disorders Network will also be bringing many educational opportunities for health care providers to Nebraska. Look for educational opportunities on our website! #DontMissIt

Lastly, Eating Recovery Day is a day to remember that eating disorders do not discriminate. Unfortunately, Eating disorders impact people from all races, religions, ethnicities, SESs, educational backgrounds, nationalities, sexual orientations, and genders. Don’t assume that individuals that you are surrounded by aren’t impacted by eating disorders and begin to assume that there could always be someone around you who is struggling. This means… Stop the diet talk. Stop the weight loss talk. Stop the degrading self-talk. Stop criticizing others. Stop putting your life off until you are a few pounds less. Stop supporting unhealthy weight-loss goals, exercise plans, or diets. Begin encouraging yourself and others to love their bodies for what they do for them. Make your table, office, and home a safe place for those who may be struggling. Becoming a Recovery Ambassador! #DontMissIt #EatingRecoveryDay